Adding Video to Your Website is COMPELLING!!

Do you have a video of you on your website describing your products or services? It’s the most powerful way for people to get an experience of you. . . to see if they are drawn to work with you or buy from you.

Make sure the video represents you authentically. To make it professional, run through your talk a couple of times; practice!

Here is my latest video with client testimonials –under 5 minutes, made by professional marketing videographer Sam Small on Maui.

Do it on a day you feel good and inspired! People out in the world want to know how to be happier, healthier, and how to find more meaning in life. A video can convey your aliveness and your abilities.

Most people don’t really care about your degrees and your titles, they want to know IF YOU CAN HELP THEM. They want to know if your services or your products are going to bring them happiness or take away their pain and problems. Focus on telling them in your video about the results they will get —the benefits and outcomes of buying what you are selling.

You have about 10 seconds max to GRAB someone when they come to your website. People’s attention span these days is very short, and they get bored easily, so you need to be animated and enthusiastic. Place the video on the top half of the page “above the fold” so it is highly visible. The best length of a website video is about two minutes.

My favorite video teacher is best selling author, Brendon Burchard. He has the most relaxed confidence of anyone I’ve seen—and I just can’t stop smiling at his wonderful enthusiastic, authentic style. This is a 30 minute video, so just watch it for a while until you GET his energized style for your own video!

One of the most powerful videos on YouTube these days is the 18 minute TED talk by Simon Sinek. Here is the link for the 6 minute version of How Great Leaders Inspire Action to get YOU inspired and on the right track to make your video compelling.

And lastly, here is a short video called Dollar Shave Club. Mike, the man in the video, has a razor blade mail order business. 12 million people have watched this video—and his sales went through the roof! All with a one minute video: